Common Questions
Is mold (fungi) harmful?
Mold is present everywhere. It can become harmful in high concentrations where you spend a lot of time being exposed to it. So essentially, all mold can be potentially harmful and should be removed.
How fast does mold grow?
That all depends on the environmental conditions and the species of mold it is. Under ideal conditions (wet, humid, cool with air that is still) it could be visible in 2-3 days. It is important to address the problem as soon as possible because it can only get worse which will be more expensive to remediate.
Can I do the job myself?
According to New York State, a mold “project” under 10 square feet is a small project, over 10 square feet is a medium project and over 100 square feet is a large project. In our opinion, a small project is something that an otherwise healthy individual could do themselves but medium and large projects will require some containment and other measures taken to prevent the mold being spread unknowingly.
Do you remediate the mold after you assess the condition?
No, that would be a conflict of interest and against New York law. You must find a certified remediation contractor and give them our report for them to estimate and perform the job.
Is mold infestation covered by insurance?
A lot of times yes, but you would have to check with your agent to be sure and we work with all insurance companies.
Why are moisture meters used?
As assessors, we are essentially unwanted water (moisture) detectors. In a building, where there is excess moisture, there is a high probability that mold will begin to grow. When we find the moisture, we find the problem.
Should I have the mold tested?
Most of the time, it’s not necessary. Think of it like this, is it important to know what kind of dirt is on your car before you wash it? Visual inspections are usually sufficient, it’s an extra expense and so long as the mold is removed properly, who cares what specie it is. But should you want it tested and identified, we will certainly do that for you.